In a lot of circles, hospitality is thought of as a gift for women. I don’t have a very good memory, but I don’t think I can remember one man in any of my previous small groups saying that he has the gift of hospitality. If I asked my dad’s generation if they

We have a friend who extends hospitality as part of his ministry, shared this article to teach us about hospitality, and I found it so interesting. So often, I think of hospitality as just having people over. I think that entertaining my friends is enough to be considered as a hospitable person. But the Bible says differently. Matthew 5:47 “And if you greet only your brothers, what more are you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same?”

Another verse, Romans 12:2, has always been an encouraging verse to me. Verse three gets overlooked, but it shouldn’t. “Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality.” But what does it mean to really show hospitality?

When Rafael found out that many people who visit the U.S. never see the inside of an American’s home, he was surprised and personally convicted to change that. One of his Mexican co-workers was coming to the U.S. to visit headquarters last week, so Rafael checked in with me and took the opportunity to invite him over.


And let’s be honest. Three kids, job, homeschooling…I often don’t feel gifted in hospitality either. The day to day is often enough to fill my minutes. Completely. But if I make excuses that they are all filled, when do I have room to invite someone else in?

We have a standing goal of having people over 3 times per month on Saturdays for brunch. But hospitality has been at the top of my mind. So when Rafael asked if we could have a guest over in the middle of the week, I was convicted. I simply said, “Of course.” Pot roast was a perfect meal. I was able to teach and take the girls to gymnastics as usual, while the meal for our guest was becoming perfection. I came home and prepped the table, and we were ready.

So I want to encourage you in pot roast hospitality. Put in a meal that looks fancy, but is actually quite easy. Work in into your life and among the appointments you already have. Open your doors to people who show up in the peripheral edges of your work or your every day life. Have dinner and let God work.