Our amazing little girl is one year old today.

I. Cannot. Believe. It.

Giana is one!

Rafael and I often sit in amazement and just watch her. She is a sweetie with an independent streak. Her latest thing is pretending to “read” books. She opens the pages, points a finger, and babbles and she points to various things on the page. She gives the best hugs. Sometimes she pretends to kiss, but she usually prefers to make raspberry noises with her mouth instead.

Giana has eight teeth (four front top and four front bottom), and we think she’s working on a right molar. She walks everywhere around the house and she is acting like she wants to start running. She can climb up stairs and can turn herself around to scoot down the stairs backwards.

She says “HI” and waves. She seems to say “hola” sometimes too, as well as mama, papa, up, baby (for the babies in her books or for a mirror) and pu-pah (for puppy). Anything she holds becomes a phone – whether it’s a cracker or a sock or her Fisher Price baby smartphone, she holds it up to her ear and laughs.

Giana eats almost anything. Squash and meat (all kinds) are her favorite. She hates silverware but can easily drink out of her own sippy cup. Anytime she hears music, whether mama singing or on a TV commercial, she bops her head and does her own sort of dance. She usually doesn’t care about the television, but she can’t be bothered when Sid the Science Kid is on.

Giana is the light of our house and the most amazing blessing in our lives. We can’t express how thankful we are that the Lord gave us the honor of raising her. Happy birthday, little peanut. We love you more than you can ever know.