Verse of the Week – Psalm 16:8

Psalm 16:8

I am editing this post a couple of weeks later because Mariel has learned this one too!

Verse of the Week – James 1:19

Giana is learning Bible verses as part of her education this year. It is so cool to hear her repeat the word of God and understand it! I’ll share the verses as she commits them to memory and hides these truths in her heart.

James 1:19

So much to say…

So little time to say it. All three (3!!!!) of my kids are sleeping and I should be too – before one of them wakes me up.

The most important news is that Lucius Augusto is here! It’s hard to believe he’s been on the outside for two weeks already. He is a beautiful baby, perfect in every way. Of course.



Of course the girls have been loving their new brother! They have also been loving some special time with Grandma Lisa.

IMG-20150823-WA0009 IMG_20150824_130555Sadly, Papa is gone this week, working with partners in Mexico City. We are keeping in touch and making sure he doesn’t miss too much growing!



Mariel is two!

Our baby girl is two years old!

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Mariel loves pretending to be a kitty cat with her sister, complete with lots of crawling and “meow, meow!” She loves talking about gatos and sleeping with her big, stuffed animal one. She also sleeps with her Princessa and her Dolly. They all get “mooches” every evening.

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She has been talking in complete sentences for awhile now, which is crazy. I think she talks with Giana so much that she had no choice but to find her voice and speak up! Mariel is always the first to remind us to pray when we sit down at the dinner table and has adds her own “thank you God for food” before shouting Amen!

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She is so adventurous and a little too fearless. Mariel climbs ladders and gets into playgrounds designed for kids more than twice her age. She doesn’t think twice about going down slides that give her older sister pause. She loves rides and hasn’t met a swing or carousel she doesn’t love.

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She is so affectionate! Even when she wakes up at the crack of dawn, she shuffles into our bedroom, waits to be picked up and placed on the pillow between me and Rafa, and rubs her baby hands on our faces. “I love you mama; I love you papa.” She always tells us without prompting.

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Mariel loves to put on dresses and spin around. “I beautiful! I gorgeous!” Her favorite movie is Cinderella and she loves to act out portions of the movie, as long as she is the center of attention. She also knows that she is hilarious. Her favorite joke is to say “I taco you!” when she is trying to get someone’s attention. She knows how to say “talk to you,” but “taco you” makes her dissolve into a fit of giggles.

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She is a good eater as long as she isn’t confined to a high chair or booster seat. She likes to have freedom in her range of motion while she eats. Her favorite foods are cottage cheese and mac and cheese. Mariel isn’t a big fan of being slowed down by utensils, but we are working on using that pesky fork and spoon.

Mariel is ready to big a big sister, even though we still call her “Baby” too often. She points to the bed and toys reserved for “New Broder” and pats my tummy when I tell her I need to rest. I can’t wait to see her be a big sister!

Happy birthday to our sweet and special Marlita!

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One full month

Today is our official one month anniversary in Washington State. It really is hard to believe. In some ways, it feels like we just got here – But in many ways, it is already starting to feel like home.

IMG_20150808_165727We had a fun weekend in Seattle taking photos of Mariel to celebrate her turning TWO this week. We had so much fun!

Speaking of two, that’s still how many kids we have. Two. Not three…yet. I tried to coax him out with a pineapple core smoothie. Nada!

IMG_20150807_142919Giana is ready for the baby too. She has been practicing! (Also, she picked out her own clothes on this day. She called it her Pinkie Pie outfit.)

IMG_20150806_130329Overall, we have been doing a lot of hanging around the house – equal parts relaxing and getting things ready for the arrival of Prince Charming!


I love monkey!

Our sweet Marielita is turning two soon. She is so funny and such a little talker! Usually she stops as soon as I try to record her, but this time I captured some of it as she read her favorite book with me.

Presenting “I Love Monkey!”

We are settled!

I am declaring it – we are officially settled in!

We got rid of the last of the cardboard boxes this weekend. Everything now has a place. Plus, look at these guys relaxing. You can see they are home.

IMG_20150802_194252Maybe I have mentioned that we don’t have air conditioning? (Just kidding, I know I’ve mentioned it. I talk about it all the time!) This week, we found a nice children’s museum just down the road from our house. It’s been a great retreat on some of the HOT afternoons.

IMG_20150730_170618 IMG_20150730_175630 IMG_20150731_193650We also went over to the lake to beat the heat. I sat in the shade and ate Jimmy John’s while Rafa played with the girls in the water. Win, win.

IMG_20150801_171602Speaking of eating, we enjoyed our favorite Minnesota chain, BWW, the other day. Mariel was so happy that she kept hugging Papa’s neck.

IMG_20150802_184606These sweet girls finally got together for a picture. It looks awkward, but they are hugging in the second picture, I promise.
