The bigger mess

Don’t you hate it when you go to clean up a quick mess, but then find and even bigger mess that needs to be cleaned? It happened to me tonight, when I stepped on a little sticky puddle of dried juice (I hope) by the refrigerator. As I bent down to clean that up, I noticed it must have splattered on the refrigerator door, which lead me up to the bottom shelf of condiments and some very overlooked corners that needed a good scrubbing.

Something similar happened today as I was assessing some behavior issues we’ve been having. Our oldest daughter has been having a hard time handling some emotions. It’s been frustrating in the small things, such as if she suddenly realizes she would like ice in her water, she doesn’t just say, “Hey, can I please have some ice in my water?” She immediately goes into full-blown tantrum mode, crying so hard that it takes me 10 minutes to understand that her room-temperature drink is no longer acceptable.

I have gotten really tired of disciplining her over this, and, I’m ashamed to say, haven’t been great about masking the frustration. Today, I finally decided that I really needed to do something else about it. I ordered a book, read a blog, reviewed some notes…

Then I finally went to the Word. (Yes, I realized I should have done that first. Just being honest here.)

Have you ever heard the saying, “Put down the magnifying glass and pick up the mirror?” That’s what happened to me. I was trying to figure out ways to “fix” my child when I found the bigger mess – me.

Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord. Ephesians 6:4

Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. Ephesians 4:31-32

That ton of bricks fell on me. In my frustration over this child not being able to express her feelings, I had been exasperating her. That lead to me feeling the things in Ephesians chapter 4, verse 31 – and not remembering what verse 32 tells me to do.

So, today I started cleaning the bigger mess. There’s a lot of work to do.

On To Week 3

The big news this week is…no news! It was a pretty normal week and there is nothing to report with the pregnancy. 37 weeks –
IMG_20150723_101250 IMG_20150723_085255I did wash and put away all of our son’s clothes, as well as assemble the swing and bassinet. I even packed our hospital bag! I guess that means we are ready.

The girls

IMG_20150722_090803Mariel tested out the swing with Ballerina dolly and it worked great. She wanted to get in a few times, but I think she understands that it belongs to “baby broder!”

IMG_20150724_182528 IMG_20150722_112247Giana practiced her big sister skills this week by helping me in the kitchen and putting her puzzle together without any help. Both of these moments were very exciting for her.

IMG_20150724_101433Since I am keeping central time hours for work, I have been enjoying extra time in the afternoons with the girls. Rafa has extra time with them in the mornings since he doesn’t have to leave quite as early as he used to. We are getting into a rhythm and it’s nice…and soon to be disrupted, I know!

And guess what? It is finally raining! We haven’t had a real rainfall since we moved here. Now to go stand on the deck and enjoy our first Seattle rain 🙂

Only need three

Since our stuff got here on Monday morning, I have been unpacking. And unpacking. And unpacking.

Seriously, why do we have so much stuff?

We downsized moving from the house to the apartment for two months, taking only what we could fit in a couple loads of the Traverse. Then, when coming to Seattle, we knew we would only have what we checked on the airplane for a few weeks.


I picked these three pair of shoes. It was liberating. Need to wear sandals? Here’s the pair. No looking around, no choosing, no matching. Just put on shoes and go! The girls only had two pairs each. It was so great to tell them to put their shoes on. Everything was faster and more streamlined…all with less thinking.

I really want to extend the limited selection to other areas too. Maybe if I get brave, I can venture into the world of seven day closets or capsule wardrobes.

Sorianos Take Seattle

Sorianos Take Seattle – Week 1!

We have almost made it through our first week in our new home. We have been doing a little settling, a lot of shopping, and a fair amount of exploring.

Most of our house looks like this:


Because our stuff isn’t here yet! Next week, hopefully. Until then, the girls are enjoying the open space that is either a racetrack, a pasture (for cabellos), or a dance floor – depending on what they want to play.

No matter how much space they have though, there is still something magical about having a hiding place. Today, they decided that they only wanted to play in the shoe closet!



Outside has been good for picnics and hanging out.


Sorry about the garbage in this picture 🙂 It’s the outside of the house with our rental minivan. I love it so much I am really thinking about selling the Traverse when it gets here to join the swagger wagon club. 11707313_10205869817358840_7406495348550809034_n

Since the buyers of our house in Minnesota asked to keep our TVs, Rafa got to pick out a new one here. I don’t know how he talked me into this size!


Speaking of size…I’m huge! 35 weeks and the countdown is on! I found a new OB and have an appointment on Monday. We have the route to the nearest hospital mapped, just in case. Our new insurance starts on Monday, so as long as this baby doesn’t try anything funny this weekend, everything should be ok.


Giana loves hugging her brother.


Today was a much cooler day, so my big pregnant self felt a lot better. We took a test trip from our house to Rafa’s job during rush hour. Then, since we were in the city, we explored a little! Doughnuts, park, monorail…lots of fun.

IMG_20150710_085914 IMG_20150710_103657 IMG_20150710_115511With the heat, we made our air mattress beds in the downstairs living room where the temperatures were a little cooler. The girls have been enjoying this family camping trip. I have to admit I am really looking forward to having a bed again after not having one for two months.




We hot!

Today was the big day. We moved to Washington aka Seattle for Giana. The girls were amazing and resilient.



We had to use a few tricks but the 3hr plane ride was alright . So far we have been able to solve a lot of really challenging situations. Seattle has thrown a few early punches at us. Anywhere from almost not being able to get our rental car because my drivers license expired 3 days ago to getting into our new home just to find out that it doesn’t have a/c. That is not fun to find out on a 90 degree with a 35week pregnant wife, a mom who can’t drink too much water and 2 little girls under 4 years old.

As I was doing my best to contain my anger and felling like a failure, Giana said to me “Papa,  I never imagined this house would be so beautiful. ”  At that point I realized that our journey has never been an easy one. It often seems like it but it’s because Sarah and I are willing to endure, adapt, overcome and trust God to deal with our issues.

So after my 3 year old  cheered me up I headed out and found 2 tinny desk fans. They cool a tiny bit if you hold them 2 inches from your face but they are a start until our we get our full sized ones via amazon prime.

We will endure!

We are moving!

For the first time in more than 10 years, Rafael woke up as a Target guest today. Yesterday was his last day as a team member. We’ve been a Target family for so long, but now…

We are so excited to share that we are moving to Seattle on July 5 where he will start a new position in advertising at the headquarters of!

While it is hard to leave our family and friends here in the Midwest, we are looking forward to seeing what God has for our growing family on this adventure.



Abba! Papa! PAPA!

“And because you are sons, God has sent the spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, ‘Abba, father!’ So you are no longer a slave, but a son, and an heir through God.” Galatians 4:6-7
Sometimes God has just the best timing to use things in our lives to help us get to a deeper understanding of Him. For me, it was when I was having a regular quiet time, reading the daily section in my one year Bible reading plan. At the same moment as I read the above verse, I heard a loud voice calling for, “PAPA!”

That voice, artificially amplified by the baby monitor, was my second daughter calling out for her father from her crib as she awoke a little earlier than expected. Mariel loves her papa so much. His name is her favorite word. Even though he has usually left for work before she wakes up, she still calls for him, hoping he will come rescue her from her bed. Throughout the day, if she happens to bump a toe, lose a toy, or just need some attention, she calls for “papa!” Sometimes he calls during the day and when I hand her the phone, she drops every toy in her hand to talk to him.

When he gets home…oh, the joy! She runs to the stairs, literally shaking with excitement, and screeches PAPAPAPAPAPAPAPA with her arms stretched out to him. And that joy is mutual! He picks her up, swings her around, and plants kisses all over her sweet cheeks.
It melts my heart seeing the love. How sweet its! What a glimpse of the Father’s heart for us! When she needs help, she calls for Papa. As should I.

Lord, thank you for giving us the ability to call you father. May I love you with the trust, innocence and abandon as a child calling for her Papa.

Sowing the Word

Giana has three verses to share in celebration of her 3rd birthday!

Our breastfeeding stories

Tonight, I’m reflecting on my nearly 30 months of feeding my babies. Here’s our breastfeeding stories…
Before I was even pregnant with Giana, I knew I wanted to exclusively breastfeed. The lactation consultant in the hospital helped me with my latch and I asked for extra visits with her before I left. I also talked about it with my sister, who breastfeed my niece for a year and a half and was in the middle of  breastfeeding her second. I did not plan to introduce a pacifier right away because I did not want nipple confusion. I did not keep any formula in the house. For me, I needed to be positive about breastfeeding and not quit if it got hard, because I knew there was no medical reason I couldn’t. I imagined what it would be like for Ma Ingalls on Little House on the Prairie – there would be no other option.
Giana was born and she was a little slow to gain, in addition to being jaundiced. However, I knew that if we started supplementing, my supply would be messed with. So we kept nursing, and nursing, and nursing. I refused to listen to anyone who wasn’t supportive of breastfeeding (like my mother in law who said, “are you sure she is getting enough?”). My number one rule of breastfeeding was – and still is – TRUST YOUR BODY TO NOURISH YOUR BABY. I fed my baby every 1-1.5 hours around the clock and we flushed the jaundice out after a couple of days.
And then my milk came in. Holy buckets. I was actually not ready for that. My G cups looked like over inflated balloons that were about to burst. Literally, the whole front side of my body hurt to the very touch. They hurt so much that I cried even when I wasn’t nursing. I tried to feed my baby and she could not latch because the skin on my nipple was stretched so tight. I tearfully called the number the lactation consultant gave me at the hospital and she recommended I try the nipple shield to help my baby get something to latch on to. My husband held the baby in front of me to help me position her because I couldn’t work around my painful boobs, the shield and hold my baby. We used this teamwork for literally every feeding for almost a week. But I am stubborn and I kept reminding myself of Ma Ingalls – no other option!
After that, it got MUCH better. The swelling went down and the milk started regulating itself to be closer to what she needed. Giana figured out her latch and feeding wasn’t a family effort anymore. I did, however, still use the shield – something I did not want to do. However, it was a tool that allowed us to continue breastfeeding. We ended up using the shield for 4 months – much longer than recommended – but it worked for us. I added in a pumping session around 5-6 weeks and Rafael gave her a bottle about once a day (I was preparing to go back to work) because I didn’t want her to get confused between bottles and boobs. I got another mentor who taught me about how to pump, work schedules, etc.
In summary, after the initial week of hell (and I don’t use that word lightly), breastfeeding became totally worth it. We had a wonderful nursing relationship for 15 months and I don’t regret a day of it. She never had a drop of formula and when she was done nursing, she refused cow milk in a cup and I didn’t push it. She gets calcium from leafy greens, yogurt, cheese, etc. now. She is a very healthy almost three year old now!
With Mariel, nursing came much easier. We did not have latch problems and didn’t need the shield. It still hurt like crazy when my milk came in, but it was much more manageable knowing that it would end soon. She started sleeping 6 hour stretches when she was 2 weeks old. She has never had a drop of formula either. I am nearby her most of the time, so it is easier for both of us for her to drink straight from the tap! We are attempting to come to the end of our breastfeeding journey and plan to fully stop in about a month, when she is 15 months old. Rafael and I are going on an adults-only vacation! It is hard for me to realize that once Mariel is done, no one will need my body for nourishment for the first time in nearly four years. Hard, but good…I am ready for that vacation.
So that’s my story! Those first weeks can be hard and lonely. I hope to work as an official lactation consultant someday so that I can help other moms overcome difficulties and reach the breastfeeding milestones they want to reach. Please ask right away if you have questions about breastfeeding.

Weight Loss Series #4 – No Magic Pill


Anytime you hear a crazy weight loss claim, please ask yourself – if there was a magic pill, wouldn’t Oprah take it? Oprah, the women who has all the money in the world can’t buy herself weight loss. Why do you think you can? Why would you spend your hard earned money on a pill, shake, supplement, gadget, etc. when you have everything you need to lose weight?!

I want to share my final tool – meal planning. I learned a long time ago that “if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” I find this to be so true. If I don’t have a meal plan, I don’t know what to buy at the grocery store. I don’t know what to make at the end of the day when I am tired and hungry. I don’t know how to make a healthy choice over quick and easy. When I meal plan, I know what to eat. I know how to make healthy choices. I plan it that way!

If you don’t have a plan, feel free to take one of mine 🙂 Weeks 1 & 2, Week 3

Thanks for reading my weight loss mini series (catch up here with part 1, part 2 and part 3). Feel free to email me or comment with your tips and questions. You have all the tools you need. It’s your time! Go for it!